Eigenface face recognition
As the first step, you may try this step-by-step tutorial, which shows, how to use current version of libface:
libface 0.0.1-prealpha1 Tutorial HTML Zipped HTML PDF
An introduction and detailed description to the eigenface based
face recognition can be found in the document
Eigenface-based facial recognition
Zipped HTML
Below you can find links to the resources mentioned in this
document (we provide them here for the case they are not available
on their original web sites):
- D. Pissarenko. Neural networks for financial time
series prediction: Overview over recent research. BSc thesis,
2002. PDF
Zipped PDF
- L. I. Smith. A tutorial on principal components
analysis, February 2002. PDF
- M. Turk and A. Pentland. Eigenfaces for
recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3 (1),
- M. A. Turk and A. P. Pentland. Face recognition
using eigenfaces. In Proc. of Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, pages 586-591. IEEE, June 1991b.PDF
D. Pissarenko Face databases, 2003.PDF
You will find the eigenface face recognition programs at