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GoalsOur goal is to create a portable library for face recognition algorithms, that abstracts the actual algorithms from the application. Once a few algorithms are implemented as plugins for the library and sufficiently tuned, this could attract enough interest to get a lot of experimenting and innovation in this sector going. This library will provide application developers with an easy way to integrate face reognition services into their applications and may serve as a testbed for new algorithms and algorithm tuning for researchers and hobbyists. How does face recognition usually work?There is one common denominator in most face recognition systems we have seen today. Before the actual recognition algorithm is provided with images, the pictures are usually preprocessed. This can encompass several steps, ranging from simple normalization of color/brightness to complex tasks like finding the face on the picture and identifying features like eyes, nose and mouth. A typical preprocessing chain would, for example, include the following tasks:
The recognition algorithms can be very different. Some need to train faces they have to recognize, others just compute different characteristic features of faces from a sample set and yet others don't require training whatsoever. When it comes to recognizing, some of the algorithms produce a template or trait that can be compared with other traits to get a match probability. For the impatient - CLI (command line interface) tools walkthroughFor now, our command line tool for setting up recognition parameters only supports eigenfaces, so this tool will get a more complex interface later, since it has to be algorithm agnostic.
Our library, nomenclature, limitationsInteroperability, Compatibility, ...Currently the library is implemented in what I believe to be ANSI C because we feel this ensures maximum portability and flexibility. Bindings to other languages will surely emerge, if these languages do not provide C interoperability out of the box. As of now, the library should compile on any machine, but files written on one architecutre are not yet compatible with files written by other architectures. Using the libraryCurrently the library needs OpenIL and OpenCV to be present on the system. You have to include IL.h and ILU.h in every file that includes fr.h. Before calling any library functions, you have to initialize IL and then libface by calling ilInit, iluInit and frInit. Before you start throwing images at the library, you have to setup a FRrecognitionParameter structure. It describes what algorithms (and eventually which preprocessing steps) a picture should go through. Nearly every function requires a pointer to this structure. After you set up this structure, you can compute traits from images. These traits can be compared (only in the context of the FRrecognitionParameters struct used for creating them) to get a match probability. There are several groups of functions:
Almost all functions return an error code from enum FRerror, those few that don't are guranteed to succeed. Current Limitations / TODOS:This is by no means a complete list, if you feel that i've omitted something
particular important feel free to contact me..
How to contributeIf you are still not scared and wish to contribute, I'd be glad to answer all your questions and help you out with any problems you might encounter (as far as I _can_ help anyway ;). If you want to implement an algorithm, the best place to start might be recoalgo.h. You will have to provide functions for this structure. In eigenfaces.h/.c you'll see how i did it. Especially the serialization functions might be interesting to you, so you see how they could be written (not that I am that good a coder). Preprocessing freaks will have to wait a little while, before they can provide their algorithms as plugins, since we have not come up with a reasonable design here. Any ideas appreciated. For comments, ideas, rants or questions contact Stefan Farthofer |
© 2002-2003 Dimitri Pissarenko, Stefan Farthofer |